Ruth John
Ruth is a digital artist and projectoralist. She mixes video and other abstract coded clips with her own hand coded software: Vixxrr.

Tim Pietrusky
Tim doesn't do any shows without LEDs, bright shiny sound triggered LEDs. Creator of NERD DISCO and electronic drum player, Tim merges web development with a lot of fun things.

Martin Schuhfuss
Martin loves working with JavaScript and self-made electronics, like lighting contraptions and DMX-interfaces. Creator of the fivetwelve-library to control professional lighting using CSS.

Sam Wray
Sam is a musician and digital artist. Creator of visuals with his software modV and writer of music using Nintendo Game Boys under the alias 2xAA.

Matt McKegg
Matt is a JavaScript hacker and backyard musician. He built the awesome Loop Drop, an open source tool for live electronic music with Electron and Web Audio.

Jan Krutisch
Jan is a web hacker by day and a musician by night.
He builds his own open source performance tools and likes to start his tech talks with Music. Literally.